Evan Daniel wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 2:14 PM, David R.<ellimi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Evan Daniel <eva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Alex Pyattaev<alex.pyatt...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 6:40 AM, David R. <ellimi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I've just found Freenet, and it looks really great.  I've always
>>>>> considered freedom of speech pretty much the most important thing you
>>>>> can
>>>>> have, so I love what this is doing.  Anyway, I've had what seems to be
>>>>> a
>>>>> good idea - set up people at my school to use freenet.  I'm planning to
>>>>> bundle it with a few other apps (tor, firefox+privacy addons, utorrent,
>>>>> etc)
>>>>> and let people download it and put it on their flash drives, and run it
>>>>> whenever they get on a school computer.  As they did this, they'd
>>>>> connect to
>>>>> a mini-freenet (darknet of course), within the school.  The main
>>>>> problem
>>>>> I've got here is that freenet doesn't work over LAN, or at least I
>>>>> can't
>>>>> figure out how to make it do so.  I don't want one computer on freenet,
>>>>> and
>>>>> the others running a browser pointed to 192.168.1.X.  I want to set up
>>>>> a
>>>>> darknet composed of computers within the same LAN.
>>>>> If anyone knows how I could do this, or could suggest another way to do
>>>>> it  (I tried WASTE, and couldnt get it going either) I would very much
>>>>> appreciate it.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>     Ellimistd
>>>> The Freenet program has no idea if an IP address is a LAN or WAN
>>>> address.
>>>> Because it can not know your exact network settings. The only thing it
>>>> does
>>>> is sending packets to other IP addresses. Your users should always point
>>>> their browsers to, not external IP address, since fproxy binds
>>>> to
>>>> loopback interface, not external interfaces, otherwise it would require
>>>> authentification to connect to the node. When you get 3-4 nodes up &
>>>> running, you can try to connect them by exchanging noderefs. to do all
>>>> this
>>>> in pure darknet (without access to internet) just remove seednodes.fref
>>>> file
>>>> in freenet's root directory. You may put it back when you decide to use
>>>> opennet. However, since you use LAN, you should probably not use opennet
>>>> connections, since it is WERY easy to find out that you run freenet when
>>>> you
>>>> do so. Hope this helps.
>>> No need to delete the seednodes file.  Just turn off opennet on the
>>> config screen.
>>> Running opennet on the LAN should work just fine, with no more
>>> security issues than running opennet anywhere else.
>>> I've run two nodes on the same LAN; it doesn't require any special
>>> configuration.  I just turned on opennet on both, then exchanged
>>> darknet refs, and they connected over the LAN and connected to the
>>> outside world, and it all just worked.
>>> Evan Daniel
>>> _______________________________________________
>> _______________________________________________
>> Exellent, it works perfectly (in my test, at least.  I have yet to try it
>> for for it's real purpose).  I don't know why it didn't before, but
>> whatever.  Still, I may have another problem - is freenet portable?  If I
>> run the installer to install to a flash drive, put firefox-portable on that
>> drive, write a batch script to start freenet and open firefox to
>>, will it work on another computer?  (assuming that computer
>> has java).   It doesn't seem like freenet would _need_ any registry entries
>> to function, but I'd like to be sure, and i'm not certain I'd catch
>> everything if I did it myself.
>> -Ellimistd
> Yes and no.  It will run just fine, however you'll lose things like
> the automatic start at bootup.  Also, Freenet is not expected to work
> well with low uptime; it really, really wants to run 24x7 or close to
> it.  Connecting for a couple hours a day won't work nearly as well.
> Also, I highly recommend using a data store of several GB, which is
> getting large by flash drive standards.
> Evan Daniel
(top posting corrected)

I think that one very important detail has been missed here. As I 
understand, the idea is to have a bunch of applications on an USB stick, 
including Freenet.

Now, while it is true that Freenet will run on any computer that has a 
compatible JRE installed, on the other hand Freenet is not "that kind" 
of application. It won't work well if you start Freenet, access a 
freesite or two, download a file, and shut down right away.
Freenet needs to keep running as long as possible, ideally 24/7. It is 
possible (I'd say even probable... but I don't really know) that running 
a "mini-freenet" that is disconnected from "the" Freenet network, single 
nodes may work well with less uptime/day, but that's a wild guess.

Besides if ONE of those users decided to connect to the main network 
(e.g. using Opennet, or exchanging darknet refs with a user outside of 
the school) the whole "mini-freenet' would become a part of the freenet 
network, which on one hand is all about freedom of speech and all these 
noce things but on the other hand it's as good as guaranteed that some 
parents will complain about inappropriate content (parents tend to deny 
the functionality of their children's brains)

But let's assume for discussion's sake that no users would connect their 
nodes to the main freenet network: even so, I'm not sure that freenet 
nodes could be used as portable applications. Sure, the fact that all 
the nodes would be each other's peers may partially compensate for the 
low uptime. or not.
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