Hi Matthew,

The cache (50g) portion of the datastore (100g) is indeed full. It has been 
full for quite some time (not sure when it became full). It is the 'Store' 
portion that is still only 22.0% (9.60GiB) full.

I believe the average speed stated was usually around 85KiB/s. A lot of the 
time I would check it it was in mid 90's. Never seen it below 60's for more 
than a second and very rarely. By the way, just for your information: now with 
the new max connections change I only average 77.1KiB/sec. It was roughly 100 
for a while at the beginning (I suppose before many others had updated to the 
new build), but later that day was down below the 85 average I had before the 
change and has settled at 77.1KiB/s.

So anyways, I realize the cache fills up much faster than 'Store'. But I 
assumed that at 85KiB/sec for a year, the 'Store' would be more full than 9.6 
GiB. I am talking true 24/7, 99.9% uptime of freenet (only ever down to auto-
restart after auto-update, or due to system updates on the system requiring 
restart). And if it maters, the store was set at 100g from the beginning.

If that is normal behavior, that is fine I guess, although I think should be 
improved, as it means that vast amounts of storage space are being wasted on 
the freenet. What I was more thinking is it has to be a problem with my store 
perhaps due to it being a year old and thus converted from old versions who 
knows how many times, and perhaps corrupt as a result?


> On Tuesday 18 August 2009 18:19:24 Evan Daniel wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Sam<test...@codingninjas.org> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I am wondering how long it should take to fill up the datastore of 100g
> > > that I setup? It has only filled up about 10g of the 50g (datastore
> > > half of datastore). This node has been running 24/7 for almost a year
> > > now with the setting of 100g for datastore. The connection speed is
> > > 100kB/sec up and down and it averages close to that. I rarely download
> > > anything from freenet, but shouldn't other peoples traffic cause my
> > > datastore to be filled up by a year of running at 100kB/sec!?
> > >
> > > Is that normal that it is so incredibly under utilizing the space I
> > > have given it?
> > >
> > > Or is something wrong?
> > > Should I nuke it and reinstall freenet completely? I don't want to try
> > > nuking it if it is just going to end up taking a year to build up to
> > > 10g again.
> > >
> > > Thanks for any help.
> >
> > Nuking things won't help anything, and is bad for the network.  Please
> > don't.
> >
> > Unfortunately, this is a known issue that needs fixing.  See eg bugs
> > 2932 and 2933 on the bugtracker.
> I'm not following. He is complaining that even of the 50GB half that is the
>  cache, that is not filling up as fast as he hopes. I doubt he has averaged
>  100KB/sec over a year, but if he had, that ought to be 3TB of data
>  transferred; why have we only cached 10GB of it!?
> IMHO the most likely explanation is that the store stats are inaccurate. We
>  should verify this, perhaps with the original reporter.
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