It could be done, and pretty easily too I believe. However, the problem is
that it would need to be done through some kind of 'bridge' website, and
whoever ran the server for such a site would have some serious legal
problems. I mean, if people just hosting .torrent files can be successfully
prosecuted, it seems extremely unlikely that a Freenet bridge wouldn't land
the owner in prison for many, many years. But yes, all you really should
need to do is lightly modify the config file or set up a proxy on your local
machine and you can start serving all of Freenet to the outside world. But
you would have whatever your national LEA is knocking on your door as soon
as they discovered it. Sure, there are some nations (the US included) where
you _shouldn't_ be able to be charged with anything for such an act, but
that doesn't mean they wouldn't try (and succeed...).

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Ichi <> wrote:

> Hello Support,
>  Long  ago,  reading  Ian's paper, I imagined Freenet as a data haven
>  that would be accessible via the internet, not just to other Freenet
>  nodes.    That's  obviously  not how it's worked out.  Although I do
>  find  some  flogs  replicated  on  anonymous  websites, I can't tell
>  whether  that's  been  done  manually or automated.  I do appreciate
>  that  porting  Freenet  to the internet could be risky.  Is that the
>  only issue?  Does Freenet have a policy against such porting?
> --
> Best regards,
>  Ichi                
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Brian Flowers
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