On Wednesday 21 October 2009 23:19:18 Dennis Nezic wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 15:50:01 -0500, CyberLeo wrote:
> > About once every 1-2 weeks, my node will shut down completely.
> > 
> > In the wrapper log, I see:
> > INFO   | jvm 2    | 2009/10/20 16:30:59 | Out of memory: Emergency
> > shutdown to protect database integrity in progress...
> > 
> > followed by a full thread dump and db shutdown, and then
> > 
> > ERROR  | wrapper  | 2009/10/20 16:33:09 | Shutdown failed: Timed out
> > waiting for the JVM to terminate.
> > ERROR  | wrapper  | 2009/10/20 16:33:09 | JVM did not exit on request,
> > terminated
> > INFO   | wrapper  | 2009/10/20 16:33:09 | JVM exited on its own while
> > waiting to kill the application.
> > STATUS | wrapper  | 2009/10/20 16:33:09 | JVM exited in response to
> > signal SIGKILL (9).
> > STATUS | wrapper  | 2009/10/20 16:33:09 | <-- Wrapper Stopped
> > 
> > then terminates without restarting. Is a total shutdown instead of a
> > simple restart intended? The machine itself runs comfortably, and
> > never oomkills, and the wrapper has wrapper.java.maxmemory=256.
> > 
> > I can upload the entire wrapper.log and wrapper.conf someplace, if
> > needed.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> I have this problem too. Have had it for a long time. But at least the
> recent releases shut down gracefully. What I still don't understand is
> if it's stable the first week (and it is), why can't the internal
> garbage-men clean things up to roughly that state? Perhaps there should
> be better internal control of memory allocation to prevent the node
> from using up all the allocated memory -- have it use up the last 5%
> (or whatever) of memory only for critical situations.

That's what's called a memory leak. If every day we leak 10MB of stuff, which 
we can't clean up because it's a leak - something still points to it - then by 
the end of a couple of weeks we're stuffed. Hopefully the next build (try it 
now if you can build from git) will improve this slightly. Has it improved 
since October?

I agree the fact that the wrapper doesn't restart the node is strange. There is 
a bug filed for that.

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