Sorry folks. 1363 is out, fixes a bad Freetalk/WebOfTrust problem in 1362. What 
happened was:
- WebOfTrust required new code in fred. Therefore I made the plugin updates 
- p0s forgot to update the version numbers, and I missed this too.
- I did test 1362, but didn't test Freetalk/WebOfTrust loading, probably 
because I was more worried about low level issues.

1363 also updates bookmarks and makes the problem slightly more obvious if it 
was to happen again by showing the actual version as well as the expected one.

Also, you should be able to make 1362 work by using the "fetch from our web 
servers" option; you might need to do this twice. In extremis, remove the 
plugins, shut down, remove the jars from the plugins dir, start back up, and 
then load from the web servers. Of course that's assuming you don't get SSL 
errors... I don't understand why that happens for some people and not others, 
it will get fixed before 0.8.

You might also be interested to know that:
- We *can* update plugins without releasing a new fred build.
- However we always load the hardcoded CHK initially when loading a plugin, 
because this is fastest.

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