On Friday 06 May 2011 23:51:47 Jelbert Holtrop wrote:
> I already got the note that the database might been broken. So I tried to
> open it wich did not work. Then I deleted te WoT database and started up
> agian. I did have to create a new identity :(( The node acts weired. When
> I restart it the floghelper does not want to load. In the menu there is
> the last item floghelper,anyway (but not in the list of plugins) but when
> cliched it tells it can not connect to the database. If I let the node
> reload the pluging from freenet that works and then there are two menu
> options floghelper in the menu. Both of them work. When I try to generate
> a net identity the request and insert URI are displayed, so i note them
> down. When I click Create it Java cpu usage goes to 122% (just as high as
> it can get) and sometimes drops a bit to 85% but stays high. This goes on
> for hours. In the end no new identitie is created.
> I deleted everything in the plugins dir and after that the node started to
> download evrything agian. At the end of it the node still had the weired
> behavior as described above. Is it time to reinstall this node? What files
> do I need to save in order to keep my keys, identities and flog?

Do NOT reinstall your node, this is not necessary.
Do the following to reset WOT:
- Backup any public/private URI pairs of the own identities you want to re-use 
after resetting
- Go to your node's plugin page and unload Floghelper, Freetalk, Sone, Web Of 
- Shutdown your node
- Delete the "WebOfTrust" directory in your node's directory. If you want to 
reset Freetalk as well, also delete the "Freetalk" directory
- Delete any WebOfTrust / WoT JARs from the plugins directory
- Start your node again. Go to the plugins page, load web of trust from the 
official list which is there
- Restore your identities using the "Restore identity" form on the Own 
Identities page.
- Notice that WOT might be very unresponsive for the following time, it is not 
optimized much yet and will cause quite some CPU usage until it has fetched 
all identities. It should settle down after that. I'm still working on 
optimization. Build0006 which was released yesterday should be quite a bit 
faster already.
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