On Thu, 2011-07-28 at 11:51 -0400, Evan Daniel wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Ray Jones <crawlz...@gmail.com>
> > On 07/26/2011 06:15 AM, Matthew Toseland wrote
> >> The electronic attacks mentioned above are far cheaper than any
>scheme to try to get people who run Freenet to spy on their friends.
>You can only spy on your direct friends (well, it gets less accurate

Lets suggest you are a group of young Libyan men, who want to fight
Gadaffi without G knowing.

You meet such groups in certain Libyan cities and discuss, then you
start a darknet, only  with people you have met personally
and exchanged nodes at these meetings only let's say by exchaning one cd
each node.

Then you do planning of what to do to get rid of Gadaffi using this

Then nobody but the implied persons of the darknet will know.

Of course if a spy from Gadaffi becomes part of the darknet from joining
such meetings, this person could compromise everything.

But as long as the darknet is running properly with trusted persons only
you have a very safe heaven.

If compromised you could close down that darknet and start a new darknet
with proper people.

And so on .....

You could even make a new darknet twice a year to ascertain it is not

It could be a group of gangsters or porno people etc - only the phantasy
sets the limit.....

This was an attempt to explain the principle with simple terms of how a
darknet could be used *smile*

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