i am still having issues with freenet taking an asston of ram, i restarted
my pc last nite before i went to bed, got up turned my pc on the only thing
that does this is freenet,  i looked at my ram its at 68% just started not
downloading anything,  ive got the wrapper set at 256 max memory but it
still goes way above that,  is there any other way(s)  to control how much
memory(ram) freenet or java uses, i cant run 24/7 cuz, and again only when
freenet itms running  my ram climbs to the roof my pc slows down sometimes
freezes up please help thanx
On Jul 18, 2015 1:50 AM, "Volodya" <volo...@whengendarmesleeps.org> wrote:

> As i understand the whole process of back-off, just by observing what is
> happening with my node:
> There are two numbers, the first is how much time is left for the node to
> be
> backed off. The second is how much time it was backed-off for during this
> incident. When the first counter reaches 0, then it checks whether it can
> do
> things correctly now. If not, it then increases the second number (doubles
> it?) and then sets the first to that value and waits again. If it can
> communicate, then it decreases the second number and things operate
> normally.
> I wasn't able to catch how the decrease of the duration happens. And wasn't
> able to find anything in documentation.
> Is there something written about it, and i just missed it?
> I am fine with you just pointing me to the Java class where it happens,
> i'll
> read the code.
>              - Volodya
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