Le 11/08/2016 à 11:21 , Keifer Bly a écrit :
Hello, I recently installed Freenet, and I have a few questions.

1. When I start freenet, is it supposed to hide my ip address? When I start freenet then go to check my ip using ip-tracker.org <http://ip-tracker.org>, it still shows my real, correct IP address.

2. Does freenet encrypt and hide my traffic from my ISP?

3. Does freenet cover every application on my machine, or only the web browser window it runs in?

4. Is freenet blockable by my ISP?

Thank you very much.

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So far I know (but it probably will be confirmed by others):

1. Well yes, but only if you pass through Freenet/ As soon you go on Internet, you are not protected (Freenet is not a VPN, it is a Net).

2. Yes it is encrypted and hidden (That's why people from China and Iran are able to go somewhere else than their own country.

3. I think it covers only what goes through Freenet (that is why it is recommended to use a special browser dedicated to Freenet.

4. No it is not blockable by any ISP since they have no idea of what you do or where you go.

Please take this as a first opinion (based however on some experience) to be confirmed.

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