I'm trying to get Freenet going on NetBSD and
having problems. Am writing a howto as I go, so
whatever my mistake is you should find it there. 

(That is a rough draft, served on my home PC. When
it is done I'll post it someplace where GOOGLE can
find it. So please don't critique the prose part.
That is all just 1st draft. I'll probably re-write
most of it.) 

Freenet appears to start and run. I can get the
main list of links. But not a single one of those
links will display even after letting it run for
24 hours. 

Whoever can diagnose my problem, tell me and I will
correct the howto. If I like Freenet well enough, I'll
dedicate a spare PC to run it full time. 


Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird 

<(+)__        Gan Uesli Starling
 ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA
   ++        http://starling.us

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