I have been following this discussion as I have installed freenet and 
have been getting the same errors.

I have checked java version, location, location of freenet jar files, 
and what was not mentioned, the registry
to insure that the freenet entries pointed to the correct locations. All 
is fine, but I still receive the Main class error.

In the last posting it was suggested to run:

/java -Xmx128M -cp freenet.jar;freenet-ext.jar;%CLASSPATH% /freenet.node.Main

The return message is:

/Exception in thread "Main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: frrenet/Node/Main/

I am curious as to why this message returned "frre..?& not "fre.." or is there 
other interpretation.

Also, what was not mentioned is that there are no entries in the log when this 
occurs, and that default.ini is not created. But yes, the mergeconvert command 

I look forward to your reply;


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