Squished Squirrel <Squished_Squirrel at ...> writes:

> S <freenet <at> ...> writes:
> > I would venture to say that increasing VM is more likely to increase
> > disk access, not decrease it. -Xmx does seem to be what you want,
> > though; it will set a ceiling on the amount of RAM that Java will
> > allocate.
> > 
> > Try disabling Virtual Memory in Windows altogether, and see if that
> > helps any with the disk thrashing.

Hmm, that sounds a bit crazy .. although the windows VM does suck so who knows 

> You should be able to run Windows
> > plus Freenet reasonably well in 640 megs, especially if you kill off any
> > tray utilities and unnecessary services. Check the task manager to see
> > how much RAM Windows wants for itself, then use -Xmx (or FLaunch.ini)
> to
> > give Java most of whatever's left.
> > 
> > s
> In my haste to post, I said "VM to 192..." I meant JavaMem. Looking at
> the task manager, I'm not seeing any paging per se, so I don't think
> that is it. It seems to be a periodic task that freenet itself is performing.

Hmm. Tried useDSIndex=false? I don't know if that's particularly significant
though. You could also try doLowLevelOutputLimiting=false /
doLowLevelInputLimiting=false if you make sure doCPULoad=true and you have an
outputBandwidthLimit set, that's more of a CPU thing but it seems to reduce load
on my node.

Other than that give Java a lot of memory via the control panel->Java -Xmx
method and also set -Xms reasonably high to reduce fragmentation / management
overhead. If you don't run Frost or other Java apps on the same machine you
could make -Xms the same as -Xmx. Or install one JRE just for freenet and one
for other apps and set the flags per instance.

> It might go away if I dropped a drive in that had a decent cache.
> This is a 5 year old 30GB maxtor drive, and I doubt it has much of a
> cache on the drive itself. I think I really need to dig up another box
> with a wee bit more modern CPU and drive.

That would probably help. You might even consider EVM to split your DS across
multiple SATA / SCSI drives :)  This is suprisingly easy in Linux, I have no
idea how to do it in windows (possibly you would need 2003 server or something.)


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