ok,i downloaded mIRC.now what ?

>From: Volodya <Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org>
>Reply-To: support at freenetproject.org
>To: support at freenetproject.org
>Subject: Re: [freenet-support] HELP!!!!!
>Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:21:38 +0000
>damian alexander wrote:
> > yes , thats what happened , i tried to connect&was notified "no peers 
> > found on the node you selected"" , in this case what do i do ?
>You need to connect to some people. If you know somebody who already runs 
>freenet that
>person should be your first stop. If not go to #freenet-refs on FreeNode 
>Do you know how to use IRC? If not, if you are under Windows download mIRC, 
>if you are
>under POSIX OS get xChat, connect to FreeNode network, and join 
>#freenet-refs channel.
>If you have problems you can also on the same network join #freenet and ask 
>questions there.
>Hope this helps.
>                      - Volodya
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