Hi, Evert, look for the line in your freenet.ini/.conf like that


That XXXX is the port number for the web interface, not clientPort, which is 
for use of 
applications using FCP.

Hope this solves your problem.
                    - Volodya

Evert wrote:
> Hi all!
> I don't get a web interface on http://[freenet-server]:8481/ ... I do 
> have the following in my config:
> *****************************
> # The port to listen for local FCP (Freenet Client Protocol) connections 
> on.
> clientPort=8481
> # A comma-separated list of hosts that may connect to the FCP port
> # (clientPort).  If left blank, only the localhost will be allowed. If 
> you set this, make sure localhost is included in the list or  access 
> won't be allowed from the local machine.
> # May be given as IP addresses or host names.
> fcpHosts=,127,0,0,1,,,localhost
> *****************************
>  I try to connect from I did find the following in my log:
> *****************************
> Feb 6, 2006 8:43:04 PM (freenet.node.NodeConfigUpdater, YThread-3, 
> ERROR): Option fcpHosts changed to 
>,127,0,0,1,,,localhost but no 
> handler was available.
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: 
> freenet.node.NodeConfigUpdater$ConfigOptions.fcpHosts()
>         at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)
>         at 
> freenet.node.NodeConfigUpdater.checkpoint(NodeConfigUpdater.java:115)
>         at 
> freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.checkpoint(Checkpoint.java:54)
>         at 
> freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint.received(Checkpoint.java:47)
>         at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:177)
>         at freenet.node.StateChain.received(StateChain.java:61)
>         at 
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.run(StateChainManagingMessageHandler.java:335)
>         at 
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.received(StateChainManagingMessageHandler.java:288)
>         at 
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler$ChainContainer.access$100(StateChainManagingMessageHandler.java:207)
>         at 
> freenet.node.StateChainManagingMessageHandler.handle(StateChainManagingMessageHandler.java:99)
>         at freenet.Ticker$Event.run(Ticker.java:325)
>         at 
> freenet.thread.YThreadFactory$YThread.run(YThreadFactory.java:285)
> *****************************
> Who has any suggestions...?
> Regards,
>    Evert
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