On 2/6/06, Ashton Vaz <ashton.vaz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>     I recently installed Freenet Build 5106 on a Windows XP SP2 machine
> via the freenet installer.  After doing so, Freenet worked well with one
> exception.  It is a resource hog - both in terms of memory as well as
> processor time.  I found this puzzling as all other large Java
> applications that I run - Sun J2EE RI, Jboss, Azureus, jEdit, etc. are
> blazingly fast with the Java 1.5 JRE versus the Java 1.4 JRE.  I have
> both installed on my system and was surprised (after looking at the
> Environment page under localhost:8888) that the installer selected the
> 1.4 JRE by default.  Why is that?  Shouldn't it prefer the 1.5 JRE by
> default?
>     So, a request.  Can this default behaviour be changed such that the
> installer first looks for the 1.5 JRE and only if it isn't available
> uses the 1.4 JRE?  Of course, in the future this will have to be changed
> to 1.6 first, then 1.5 & finally 1.4.
>     A few questions.
>     1)  How do I make changes such that the 1.5 VM is used?  I know I
> can call the 1.5 JRE using a batch file, but I wish to use the system
> tray icon and don't know how to get it to select the 1.5 JRE.

There should be a file called flaunch.ini in your Freenet install
directory.  The path to the JVM is in there and you can change it to
point to your 1.5 JRE

>     2)  Is it possible to pass options to the JVM (e.g. AggressiveHeap,
> DisableExplicitGC, server, etc.) via the system tray icon?  If so, how?
> By default the 1.5 & 1.4 JREs don't use the -server option or other
> beneficial options.  Hence Fred doesn't benefit from the aggressive
> server profiling of the JVM.  A long running application like Fred would
> definitely benefit from the -server option at least.

I don't know the answer to this, but would like to know myself.

> Thanks,
> Ashton
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