
0. Weekly status report.
1. Status of 0.7.
2. Public alpha.
3. Financial status and credit to volunteers.
4. Known serious issues.

0. Weekly Status Report.

For some time, jrand0m has provided weekly status reports on I2P's
progress. This is a good idea, so I will provide one.

1. Status of 0.7

The 0.5/0.6 network is not being actively maintained, although if we
become aware of a serious security issue we will fix it. The current
focus of all effort is the 0.7 network. Mostly the implemented
functionality seems to work, although there are occasional load issues,
and load in general is so low that it is not really a valid test. FCPv2
has been partially implemented, and thanks to sleon, Frost is now
working, at least for messages. Fproxy works, but is not very user
friendly and is insecure. 0.7 is still exclusively a darknet, meaning
that connections are manually assigned. In practice, on a real darknet,
this would be on the basis of pre-existing trust relationships; on our
testnet most links are created randomly or on the basis of the network

Freenet 0.7 remains highly insecure. First and foremost, testnet mode is
enabled on all nodes, meaning that developers (and enemies!) can log
into nodes remotely and browse their logs. Secondly, fproxy is insecure;
it does not do any HTML filtering whatsoever at present. Thirdly, the
connection setup protocol at present is vulnerable to Man-In-The-Middle
attacks. The focus at present is on getting the basic client (FCPv2)
functionality working so that third party devs can implement apps on top
of it.

0.7 installation guide:
0.7 graphs:

2. Public Alpha.

The current intention is to release a public alpha some time next week.
The main focus is on client functionality for third party developers,
i.e. FCPv2 - the Freenet Client Protocol, version 2.0. The alpha will
have a feature-complete (apart from config and diagnostics, and maybe
some other specialist stuff) implementation of FCPv2. The object is to
get something out into the world on which third party developers can
build applications. Sleon has already got Frost working (apart from file
download/upload) on Freenet 0.7 via FCPv2. The alpha will not be
especially user friendly, the most obvious thing being that users will
still need to set up their own connections via IRC or other means.

3. Financial Status and credit to volunteers.

The project's paypal balance as of 12PM today is $423.81. Normally there
is no money in the e-gold account and Amazon Honour System accounts,
presumably because they are less well known than paypal. I do not know
whether there is money in the bank account. In any case, if the project
wants to continue my full-time employment on Freenet, I will need to be
paid soon - in theory next Monday. One objective of the imminent
development alpha is to get some attention and therefore some cash. If
you are reading this and want to give the project some money, please
don't wait until we put the alpha out with a public appeal, give us all
your money now! :)

There has been an upsurge in volunteer development: Nextgens has mostly
been doing sysadmin work for us (as well as working on compatibility with
free JVMs), Sleon has got Frost working and created the code that makes
the graphs mentioned above, Cyberdo got manifests working (thus enabling
a useful fproxy), and Tubbie contributed a database-backed datastore
around Christmas. Thanks to all who have contributed! Thanks also to all
the people who have run 0.7 testnet nodes, and tested them. Hopefully
there will be more developers after 0.7 is released. The fact remains
however that I (Toad) do most of the day to day debugging as well as
most of the major architectural work (despite his sometimes being lazy,
which does not impact the project finances as he is paid by the hour).

3. Known serious issues.

Two issues:
- 0.7 is grossly insecure (see above).
- Do NOT under any circumstances use prefetch (apart from "link rel="
  support in browsers, which is safe) with Fproxy on Freenet 0.5. This
  will go straight through the __CHECKED_HTTP_ web-bug guards, which
  were set up to prevent users from accidentally clicking on potentially
  malicious links from Freenet to the WWW.
Matthew J Toseland - toad at amphibian.dyndns.org
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.
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