Absolutely ANY service you use on the internet will at some point have
to see your IP address. This is how the internet works - in order for 2
peers to communicate they must know each other's IP addresses. Freenet
disguises a) the fact that you are using freenet, and b) what you are
doing on freenet (which files you are fetching or inserting).

On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 11:45:11PM +0200, jing bling wrote:
> If I was to be identified, could my IP address with a service provider match 
> that with an IP address in .07?.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Anonymous <BigappleRemailer at bigapple.yi.org>
> To: gemma_h at eircom.net
> Cc: support at freenetproject.org
> Sent: Friday, 7 July, 2006 10:05:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] (No subject)
> You wrote:
> > I am interested to know is free net so secure that a person cannot be
> > tracked by their IP address or email address?
> Freenet is indeed very secure.  The most any attacker or snoop can 
> determine is that you are running a freenet node and even that is less 
> likely than ever with 0.7
> As long as you use sensible, basic precautions to secure your machine 
> and do not insert material that contains clues to your identity then it 
> is absolutely not possible to determine WHAT you are inserting.
> Check out Frost, it's message boards are forever full of people ranting 
> on about pedophiles and child porn.  While CP posters are vile, they do 
> server a function in freenet as much as many would like not to admit it.  
> The fact that CP can be posted so freely in freenet means that it is 
> secure enough and anonymous enough to protect even vile people's 
> identity.
> BTW- you don't have to support or approve of CP to be involved in 
> freenet, and your involvment says nothing about your stance on CP.  If 
> you don't like it, then don't support it by requesting any CP files or 
> sites.  The fewer people who request something, the more likely it'll 
> drop out of freenet.
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Matthew J Toseland - toad at amphibian.dyndns.org
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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