Bob a ?crit :

>Sam Przyswa <samp at ...> writes:
>>I installed the latest Freenet-stable on my Debian (Kubuntu) machine, 
>>configure my freenet.conf as:
>>at freenet.transport.AbstractSelectorLoop.loop() (Unknown Source)
>>at (Unknown Source)
>>at (/usr/lib/
>>What's wrong ?
>The use of "libgcj" indicates you're using some free JRE like Kaffe, which
>freenet 0.5x does not support. This is particularly likely with Ubuntu because
>it's very "pure" Free software only out of the box. The next version (0.7)
>should support such JVMs, since the current alpha code does, but at the moment
>they perform badly with freenet in comparison to Sun's JRE for reasons not
>currently known.
>Just to confirm, what does "java -version" output?
>You should be able to fix this by installing Sun (preferably) or Blackdown 
>Java and making it the system default. Instructions here, multilined for 
>gmane filter :
>  #head-68565ae07a003332e82c9f23706638777396c249
>Now freenet should manage to start and operate, although it will need a while
>to integrate into the network before it's really usable. Note that you will
>still see numerous errors and info messages in the console and/or error log,
>this is normal, 0.5 outputs a lot of debugging info.

You are right, I installed the |sun-j2re1.5 with the PLF repository, 
change the java with the |update-alternatives --config java and then 
Freenet seems working, I got the Web Interface, I have some message in 
my freenet.log but I will see latter.

Thanks a lot !


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