I have tried about a half-dozen times to use Freenet 0.7 by reinstalling 
and setting up a new darknet eash time. It installs fine. It runs fine. But 
I can't restart the node once it has closed. This is necessary as I have to 
restart my computer from time to time. I read somewhere online that Freenet 
should restart automatically with your computer, but mine doesn't. The 
problem is probably me. I know nothing about Unix or programming. I don't 
think I'm entering in the right command-line code. I have been desperately 
searching the internet for the proper procedure, but as little Freenet info 
is out there, there is virtually none for OSX. I have managed to find a few 
hits, tried them and variations on them to no avail. I find that allot of 
Unix explanations on the net are very incomplete. They say to type 
such-and-such, leaving out a piece because they believe it to be understood 
and you will fill in the gaps on your own. As, I've said, I know nothing 
about Unix or programming. (All of those files and applications bundled w/ 
the installer and we can't have a simple executable file in the OSX GUI? - 
If there is, by the way, it isn't working on mine as I have tried every file 
that looked like it could work before figuring I would have to use the 
Terminal.) I state this because when I describe what I'm doing I will be 
very exact - even knowing that my file hierarchy will be different than 
yours. I hope if I am lucky enough to receive a response, whoever replies 
will do the same. This is what I have so far:
In terminal type

   cd /Volumes/LACIE/Freenet/0.7 ./run.sh

Terminal responds

[Process completed]

But the Node never starts running again. Browser returns

Safari can?t open the page ?http://localhost:8888/? because it could not 
connect to the server ?localhost?.

I get the same response for

cd /Volumes/LACIE/Freenet/0.7 ./run.sh start
cd /Volumes/LACIE/Freenet/0.7 ./run.sh
cd /Volumes/LACIE/Freenet/0.7 ./Freenet start
cd /Volumes/LACIE/Freenet/0.7 ./Freenet

Until the last time I tried I would always get "file not found" messages 
from Terminal. Now it seems to be doing something different out of nowhere. 
Yet, even after several attempts and a long time waiting (as I've heard it 
takes awhile to start up) -  nothing.
   Please, please, please someone help! I'm sure I can't be the only one 
having this problem. If it runs fine but won't restart then it deffinately 
works on my computer. Its just some little  Very basic problems like this 
are what will keep allot of people away from Freenet and stunt its future 
growth. Many of the future features sound interesting, but until easier 
setup and usage can be made available, Freenet will never strive. Most 
people don't want to deal with this kind of a pain.
Thanks in advance,

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