On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 07:25:48PM +0000, this.is.not.my.real.email.addres
s wrote:
> Matthew Toseland <toad at ...> writes:
> > 
> > So in summary, for the small file the two networks were comparable - 
> > 1:30ish vs 2:00ish. For the ISO, I'm not sure if there was any 
> > conclusion?
> > 
> > My 2 cents: Inserts are much faster after the changes to load limiting 
> > just before xmas, or at least, they should be. Generally freenet 0.7 
> > uses close to the bandwidth limit now, which it certainly didn't before.
> > 
> > Comments?
> You missed the part where that person uploaded a 500 meg file in 23 hours. 
> They also sent a subsequent message where someone else downloaded the file 
> in 18 hours.  

On 0.5? Was a similar test carried out on 0.7 though? We need a straight
comparison to draw any conclusions.
> I'm running the 0.5 network now and I have been able to download some files.
> It's not as fast their downloads, but it's faster then 0.7 downloads.
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