> I have sent a message to the "test" board, but I only see a message from some 
> eliza*****, which says the ackbot has received my message, but my message is 
> not on the board - what am I supposed to do to get my real message on the 
> board (I cannot understand the peer trust/acknowledge thing)?  :-)

If Eliza has replied that means that technically everything has worked. Solve a 
few captchas (as you probably already did) and wait, after a while on the FMS 
web interfact your identity should say 'Yes' in the announced column, that 
that at least one person whose trust list trust you trust trusts you.

To put simply WoT works like this:
You can trust people if you trust that they will not send you spam messages.
You can trust people's trust lists (trust list trust) if you believe that they 
will mark down spammers, but will not mark down those who you don't consider 

There's really no way to make the system simpler, and personally i don't like 
(but that's another story).

Trust some well established identities' trust list trusts, and pretty soon you 
should see messages coming through in FMS, then hopefully you will start 
figuring things out. And remember Freenet is a high latency network, don't 
expect to get replies (or even see your own messages appear) instantaneously. 
give everything time.

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  "None of us are free until all of us are free."    ~ Mihail Bakunin

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