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abdussalam Mansoor a ?crit :
| Hello:
| I successfully installed Freenet 0.7 , but after opning the browser
| alwys receved  "
| Status alerts summary

This is the list of all you node's problems. You can solve them,
one-by-one :

| Click on an item for more information or to get rid of it.
|     * No peers found <>

Your node isn't connected to any other node. You should exchange your
references with some friends of you (people you actuall know and trust,
and are running a freenet node).

If you don't know/trust anyone using Freenet, you should consider
activating "Insecure mode", majing your node connect to strangers.
Note that if you do that, your ISP/government can easily know that you
are using Freenet.

|     * Your node name isn't defined.

Just give your node a name. It will only be visible by you and your Friends.

|     * Connection problems: Please forward UDP port 27572 (you may have
|       already done this).
|       <>"

This is not mandatory but will help connections to the network. If you
can't open that port in your firewall, just ignore it.

| other thing i couldnot open my google email account.

I can't see a reason for that one...

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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