Yes, you can replace the cache/store files on the new node with those in 
datastore/, if you manage to copy the files. The node will happily 
reconstruct from them. You may have to change the filenames as the new node 
will probably be on a different port.

With regards to thrashing, you might like to try the new "salted hash store" 
just merged in 1161. Hopefully this will have fewer reconstructions, although 
it's entirely possible that the frequent reconstructions were caused by the 
hard disk failing!

On Friday 05 September 2008 19:30, gar wrote:
> My node has been down for several days. I have traced my problem back to 
> a failing hard drive. It was brand new 2 years ago when I dedicated it 
> to freenet.
> It seems as of late my node was constantly restarting every day or so 
> when it used to run fine for a week or two. I suspect all the constant 
> deleting of 40,000 files every time the node restarts has taken it's 
> toll on the hard drive.
> I am in the process of trying to salvage my store/nodd. Fortunately it 
> seems all files are ok, except the chk-30507.cache file (40GB ..grrr). 
> When I tried to move it to a new drive windows complained "cannot move 
> the  chk-30507.cache file 
> it is corrupt or unreadable"
> The hard drive is almost dead as the transfer of data to a new drive is 
> sometimes as slow as 30kb per second transfer rate. 25 GB took 8 hours 
> to copy to a good drive :(
> My question is this:
> Should I just right off my old store completely? Or should I put all the 
> other datastore files in the datastore directory on my new drive and 
> fire up the node. I realize my cache is gone but the store file is still 
> healthy and 25 GB in size. It would seem a shame to lose all that.
> Will my node be able to sort out what's happened and re-write the index?
> Yours truely,
> ...In a state of suspended confidence in freenet....
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