On Wednesday 28 January 2009 07:24, 3BUIb3S50i 3BUIb3S50i wrote:
> Don Sato at tGZmfuEbnEqArnhpyqj4of3-s21B0uTliyfALlQ0bw8 wrote:
> > One of the recent Freenet builds caused my Freenet node end up with
> > almost constant 100% CPU usage. This trouble began somewhere inbetween
> > 1199-1203 releases. My node used to work very nicely before that. Is
> > anyone else experiencing this problem?
> >
> > I can post info Stats page and Freenet logs to help in diagnosing the
> > problem if needed. Just let me know which parts in particular you're
> > interested in. Regarding wrapper.log, I found nothing of use in there,
> > just the node (re)start/stop related activity.

Please determine whether this is a memory-related problem. Add the following 
to your wrapper.conf, and then view the file freenet.loggc:


If it is showing Full GC's very frequently (once a second or more), then there 
is a memory problem. If not, the problem is something else...

A stack dump might also be interesting. If you are doing a big download or 
upload, there will inevitably be periods when Freenet uses lots of CPU for 
FEC encoding/decoding, or for compression/decompression; but this is 
generally run at a low priority.
> >
> > I even tried complete reinstall of the node with new datastore, but to no
> > avail. Datastore type is salt-hash.

Is the download queue empty?
> >
> > My specs:
> > JVM Info
> >
> >     * Used Java memory: 159 MiB
> >     * Allocated Java memory: 244 MiB
> >     * Maximum Java memory: 508 MiB
> >     * Running threads: 280/500

May not be a memory problem then ... Please do the above steps anyway. If it 
isn't a memory problem, a stack dump might be useful (note that it may have 
sensitive information in it sometimes...)

> >     * Available CPUs: 1
> >     * Java Version: 1.6.0_10
> >     * JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
> >     * JVM Version: 11.0-b15
> >     * OS Name: Linux
> >     * OS Version: 2.6.27-9-generic
> >     * OS Architecture: i386
> bubba at Uv~laZHgpQPILgjUTc2bD~mMDm5r1PJKYsS3kZNUixM wrote:
> > Tommy[D]@EefdujDZxdWxl0qusX0cJofGmJBvd3dF4Ty61PZy8Y8 wrote:
> >
> >> myidentity at 1QowK8lzyEYNUsI0yGamWcd6ox80XQkKr8kCS6PmJ5Q schrieb:
> >>> Has happened a couple times in the last couple days.  All through put 
> >>> stops with my node.  Once I simply waited a long time and it started to 
> >>> again but the speed was very, very slow so I restarted the node.
> >>>
> >>> One time confirmed for sure it died for 6 hours till I got back to my 
> >>> and restarted the node.
> >>>
> >>> After restarting the node it seems to work fine again till it dies.  
This is not
> >>> common maybe it has happened 3-4 times since the last update.
> >>>
> >>> I run a fast computer with lots of memory.  1 gig given to freenet.
> >>>
> >>> I will continue to monitor this and report back if it continues.
> >>
> >> Would be nice to have some data out of wrapper.log or logs/*, else it is 
hard to find the problem
> >> and fix it. Also other things like node stats can be interesting.
> >
> > same here, i think it's a memory leak

That is easily confirmed, see the procedure mentioned above.
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