Andy Green ha scritto:
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | Andy Green wrote:
> |> Someone was saying they will look at XGlamo and I don't think you're the
> |> only one seeing some shakiness.
> |
> | Well, I'll use Xfbdev until there will be something of new in XGlamo or
> | in the kernel (about glamo itself). However I think I'll be moreover
> | limited!
> |
> | However, Andy, sure I'm not the only seeing these shakiness but I've not
> | read reports by someone that after few seconds of interface usage has
> | hangups and that on next reboot can't boot X (getting another freeze)
> | and that, again, can reboot it (without any stability by the way) only
> | after keeping the phone off few seconds.
> |
> | It's really hard to think that this is just a my software problem...
> If we talk about the same email, that guy has different symptoms, for
> example he often can't complete U-Boot startup at the point it touches
> Glamo, another outcome is he dies during Glamo driver init in Linux
> during boot.

We're not. I was talking about myself and about my mail [1].
I've only issues when I'm in X(glamo).


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