On Saturday, 2. August 2008 21:37:57 Andy Green wrote:
> If you missed the boat on installing the packages before reboot into new
> kernel, you can shutdown, pop the SD Card, insert to host and put the
> packages on SD Card, reinsert and then reboot and install (and run depmod).
> Subsequently kernel updates will also pull in the necessary matching
> modules, so this is a one-off hassle.

That means we have no way of connecting to a running Neo via USB (if wifi does 
not work) ?? Pretty strange ...
The kernel image and the rootfs image are seperate - we have to tell users: 
Install this kernel and that rootfs or your Ethernet over USB does not 
work ?!

Wolfgang thinks about where to find more kernel module candidates:
- battery driver
- SD card driver
- Glamo driver


PS: Obviously, Wolfgangs is an ironic hint ...

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