Hi Dirk

Sounds like you're missing binutils, or symlinks to the assembler and 


   opkg install binutils


   ln -s /usr/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-as /usr/bin/as

and continue creating simlinks for all of the executables prefixed with 

Hope that helps,

Dirk Bergstrom wrote:
> I installed 2008.8 today, and after playing around with it for an hour 
> or so, I set out to install kedpm, a pygtk password manager.  I 
> installed pygtk and friends, but I ran into trouble trying to get 
> pycrypto installed.  It has a bunch of C extensions that need to be 
> compiled.
> After a few hours banging my head on the desk, I have so far installed 
> the following packages:
> python-devel
> python-setuptools
> gcc
> cpp
> cpp-symlinks
> gcc-symlinks
> libc6-dev
> But I'm stuck at this point:
> # gcc hello.c
> gcc: error trying to exec 'as': execvp: No such file or directory
> Also, there is no 'ld' to be found on the phone, so I'm sure I'll need 
> that as well.
> Is there a package or packages I can install to get everything I need to 
> build python C extentions on the phone?  Is there a way to build them on 
> my linux machine that doesn't require building the entire openmoko 
> distribution first?
> Failing that, does anyone have a pycrypto package I can download?
> --
> Dirk

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