Sjors Provoost wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am sure this has been announced before, but I am sure I am not the
> only one who only stumbled into it by accident after hours of
> experimentation and reading bug reports and heated debates. So I will
> just increase its pagerank a bit.
> There are two guides on how to use the new om2008.8 keyboard!
> * how to switch between layouts (small, caps, numeric, special characters)
> * how to do backspace
> * how to turn it on and off
> Even though one of the guides is linked directly from
>, I think it needs a more
> prominent spot and a better catch phrase*. For some reason I did read
> the installation instructions, but did not even notice this important
> link. I think I am not the only one. So that means I am probably
> stupid, but so are most people; this will be a fun challenge for the
> usability team.
> * : e.g. right after "install" in the "Download" subsection (I would
> also switch these titles by the way; "Install" is the real main
> message here and you'll need to "download" before you can do that)
> have a "Get started" subsection. That should have a text like: "You'll
> probably want to learn about the new keyboard.".
> Sjors
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Hehe, thanks for that. I have been using  the keyboard for a day  while
mumbling about the lack of a delete key. :-)
I shall go RTFM.

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