On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 4:23 AM, Sjors Provoost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Om2008.8_Keyboard
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Om_2008.8_Guide

Wow. This information needs to be featured PROMINENTLY, both in the
software itself and in the getting started section of the wiki. It
negates virtually all of my complaints about the new keyboard. The
biggest one that remains is that this functionality is virtually
impossible to discover on your own. Adding some visual cues to
indicate this exists will do wonders to improve the out of box
experience with it. I was extremely frustrated with the keyboard when
I first tried it, and I know I am not alone in this.


-Quentin Hartman-

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