Maybe add your experience to ?

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko
> Not sure if I should file a ticket since it might be me silly done smth
> stupid or didn't update smth
> I installed vanilla 2008.8 + provided there kernel and some recent u-boot,
> added (so left the others which are for 2008.8 from downloads. not
> buildhost.) zecke testing feeds, opkg update/upgrade (few times) + few
> additional applications (e.g. tangogps, gestures).
> Whenever it just boots -- everything is fine -- if it goes to suspend
> (on timeout set to 10 or 30 sec in Preferences) -- on wake up there is
> no sound -- phone vibrates but doesn't ring, if I pick up the call --
> there is 100% silence on either end.
> I've checked alsa settings during proper call (prior suspend) and post
> resume -- they are identical
> dmesg and logreads and list_installed
> in 05_wokenosound you get logread and dmesg after it woke up on a call, I
> received a call but it was salient, then I dropped the call, and it went to
> suspend again, I resumed it by pressing power and changing it to don't suspend
> -- then I dumped all those files
> NB is there a way to discover full version for the running now kernel? uname 
> -a
> or /proc/version are not listing flavor (ie git shasum)
> P.S. There are few issues with zecke's feeds - many packages are listed
> but not available -- did opkg update and then doing upgrade:
> Upgrading angstrom-version on root from 1:P1-Snapshot-20080814-r1 to 
> 1:P1-Snapshot-20080815-r1...
> Downloading 
> Collected errors:
>  * Failed to download 
>  error 404
>  * Failed to download angstrom-version. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
> --
>                                  .-.
> =------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
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