> Could someone kind and helpful post an example of python code to get gps 
> data via dbus?

ogpsd_signals.py listens for gypsy signals
ogpsd_methods.py calls gypsy methods once and exits
ogpsd_resource.py requests the GPS resource from ousaged (power on while 
running, see


#!/usr/bin/env python

import dbus
from time import sleep

obj = dbus.SystemBus().get_object('org.freesmartphone.ousaged', '/org/freesmartphone/Usage')
dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freesmartphone.Usage').RequestResource('GPS')

sleep(3600 * 24 * 365)

#!/usr/bin/env python

import dbus
from time import gmtime, strftime

obj = dbus.SystemBus().get_object('org.freesmartphone.ogpsd', '/org/freedesktop/Gypsy')

constatus = obj.GetConnectionStatus(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Device')
print 'ConnectionStatus: constatus = %u' % constatus,
print '%s' % constatus and '(TRUE)' or '(FALSE)'

fixstatus = obj.GetFixStatus(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Device')
print 'FixStatus: fixstatus = %d' % fixstatus,
if   fixstatus == 1: print '(NONE)'
elif fixstatus == 2: print '(2D)'
elif fixstatus == 3: print '(3D)'
else:                print '(INVALID)'

(fields, tstamp, lat, lon, alt) = obj.GetPosition(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Position')
print 'Position:',
print 'fields = %d,' % fields,
print 'tstamp = %d (%s),' % (tstamp, strftime('%F %T', gmtime(tstamp))),
print 'lat = %f (%s),' % (lat, fields & (1 << 0) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
print 'lon = %f (%s),' % (lon, fields & (1 << 1) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
print 'alt = %f (%s)'  % (alt, fields & (1 << 2) and 'OK' or 'INVALID')

(fields, pdop, hdop, vdop) = obj.GetAccuracy(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Accuracy')
print 'Accuracy:',
print 'fields = %d,' % fields,
print 'pdop = %f (%s),' % (pdop, fields & (1 << 0) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
print 'hdop = %f (%s),' % (hdop, fields & (1 << 1) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
print 'vdop = %f (%s)'  % (vdop, fields & (1 << 2) and 'OK' or 'INVALID')

(fields, tstamp, speed, heading, climb) = obj.GetCourse(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Course')
print 'Course:',
print 'fields = %d,' % fields,
print 'tstamp = %d (%s),' % (tstamp, strftime('%F %T', gmtime(tstamp))),
print 'speed = %f (%s),'   % (speed,   fields & (1 << 0) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
print 'heading = %f (%s),' % (heading, fields & (1 << 1) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
print 'climb = %f (%s)'    % (climb,   fields & (1 << 2) and 'OK' or 'INVALID')

time = obj.GetTime(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Time')
print 'Time: time = %d (%s)' % (time, strftime('%F %T', gmtime(time)))

satellites = obj.GetSatellites(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Satellite')
print 'Satellites:'
for (satIndex, sat) in enumerate(satellites):
	print '\tindex = %d,' % satIndex,
	print 'prn = %u,' % sat[0],
	print 'used = %u (%s),' % (sat[1], sat[1] and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'),
	print 'elevation = %u,' % sat[2],
	print 'azimuth = %u,' % sat[3],
	print 'snr = %u' % sat[4]

#!/usr/bin/env python

import gobject
import dbus
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
from time import gmtime, strftime

name = 'org.freesmartphone.ogpsd'
path = '/org/freedesktop/Gypsy'

def onConnectionStatusChanged(constatus):
	print 'ConnectionStatusChanged: constatus = %u' % constatus,
	print '%s' % constatus and '(TRUE)' or '(FALSE)'
def onFixStatusChanged(fixstatus):
	print 'FixStatusChanged: fixstatus = %d' % fixstatus,
	if   fixstatus == 1: print '(NONE)'
	elif fixstatus == 2: print '(2D)'
	elif fixstatus == 3: print '(3D)'
	else:                print '(INVALID)'
def onPositionChanged(fields, tstamp, lat, lon, alt):
	print 'PositionChanged:',
	print 'fields = %d,' % fields,
	print 'tstamp = %d (%s),' % (tstamp, strftime('%F %T', gmtime(tstamp))),
	print 'lat = %f (%s),' % (lat, fields & (1 << 0) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
	print 'lon = %f (%s),' % (lon, fields & (1 << 1) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
	print 'alt = %f (%s)'  % (alt, fields & (1 << 2) and 'OK' or 'INVALID')
def onAccuracyChanged(fields, pdop, hdop, vdop):
	print 'AccuracyChanged:',
	print 'fields = %d,' % fields,
	print 'pdop = %f (%s),' % (pdop, fields & (1 << 0) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
	print 'hdop = %f (%s),' % (hdop, fields & (1 << 1) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
	print 'vdop = %f (%s)'  % (vdop, fields & (1 << 2) and 'OK' or 'INVALID')
def onCourseChanged(fields, tstamp, speed, heading, climb):
	print 'CourseChanged:',
	print 'fields = %d,' % fields,
	print 'tstamp = %d (%s),' % (tstamp, strftime('%F %T', gmtime(tstamp))),
	print 'speed = %f (%s),'   % (speed,   fields & (1 << 0) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
	print 'heading = %f (%s),' % (heading, fields & (1 << 1) and 'OK' or 'INVALID'),
	print 'climb = %f (%s)'    % (climb,   fields & (1 << 2) and 'OK' or 'INVALID')
def onTimeChanged(time):
	print 'TimeChanged: time = %d (%s)' % (time, strftime('%F %T', gmtime(time)))
def onSatellitesChanged(satellites):
	print 'SatellitesChanged:'
	for (satIndex, sat) in enumerate(satellites):
		print '\tindex = %d,' % satIndex,
		print 'prn = %u,' % sat[0],
		print 'used = %u (%s),' % (sat[1], sat[1] and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'),
		print 'elevation = %u,' % sat[2],
		print 'azimuth = %u,' % sat[3],
		print 'snr = %u' % sat[4]

mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
bus = dbus.SystemBus()

bus.add_signal_receiver(onConnectionStatusChanged, 'ConnectionStatusChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Device', name, path)
bus.add_signal_receiver(onFixStatusChanged, 'FixStatusChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Device', name, path)
bus.add_signal_receiver(onPositionChanged, 'PositionChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Position', name, path)
bus.add_signal_receiver(onAccuracyChanged, 'AccuracyChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Accuracy', name, path)
bus.add_signal_receiver(onCourseChanged, 'CourseChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Course', name, path)
bus.add_signal_receiver(onTimeChanged, 'TimeChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Time', name, path)
bus.add_signal_receiver(onSatellitesChanged, 'SatellitesChanged', 'org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Satellite', name, path)


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