El Thursday, 25 de September de 2008 05:09:57 [EMAIL PROTECTED] va escriure:
> After hooking it up to my external power supply, I'm able to see it starts
> to draw ~50mA when I hit the power button. It never actually responds just
> sits there draining away the battery.

I'm sure you managed to brick your 1973, I did it myself last january, with 
the same result making it a /dev/null for charge.

I mounted /dev/mtdblock0 by accident instead of /dev/mtdblock4 (I had a bad 
$mtdparts on the sd entry) and jffs2 reclaimed some unused space. This could 
happen as resulto of this action (in the head message): 

>> 1) I added the onboard fs to my fstab in my SD debian install so that I
>> could access it while booted into debian. 

the answer to your question in the previous message:
>2) Will the newer Debug board that comes with the GTA02 work with the GTA01? 

Is acording to the wiki YES, see http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Debug_Board_v3 
& http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo1973_Debug_Board_v2/Unbricking

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