On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 17:52:29 +0800, William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> After a crash I have two icons for one application on the desktop - both
> work.  Checking /usr/share/applications shows only one .desktop file.
> Is there a cache somewhere that needs cleaning out? - restarting the
> device doesnt help.
> BillK

take a look in the .desktop file itself.  Likely you'll find that multiple
entries in "categories=" to be the cause, like
"categories=applications;network;" - in which example my FR shows the icon
twice, once for app and once for network.  (I've encountered that before,
as well as the oddity that Raster's test image at least doesn't recognize
'application' as a valid category, but requires 'applications' instead)

I'm not sure what categories are actually valid at this time, but AFAIK
they're all clumped together on the single lanuch screen regardless of
category, and those with multiple categories may appear twice, depending on
the categories themselves.


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