> - I am using Mandriva and FR more out of political decisions than geek
> competence: consider I am indeed quite a newbie, and the more step-by-step
> your advice will be, the better it'll be to get me out of despair ;-)

I am not sure how detailed instructions I can give but the following
should work:

1) install debian
2) apt-get remove fso-frameworkd udev zhone fso-gpsd zhone-session
3) apt-get install gpsd and configure it to use "/dev/ttySAC1"
4) add something like
echo 1 > 
to /etc/rc.local so that GPS gets power
5) read http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/bluetooth-guide.xml and configure
   bluetooth networking
6) if you can ping your phone over bluetooth networking you should be
   able to also access the gpsd (tcp port 2947).

I have personally used tcp/ip over bluetooth under debian on the
freerunner so the above steps should work although they might be bit

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