On Fri, 7 Nov 2008, Paul wrote:

My First goal is to start with a stable phone distro.  One where I can make/receive calls, send and receive text messages.  The Qtopia build seems to be OK, however, there is that echo issue.  Qtopia does seem to be removed from a lot of the feature developments for the FreeRunner.  I have tried a couple of the distros out there and the Qtopia one seems to be the most stable.

i'm happy with 2008.09 stable, though i have had to make some changes (my own state files, gsm0710muxd, etc.). i use it as a day-to-day phone and it works acceptably: resume fails about once every other day, requiring battery removal, but otherwise receiving calls is fine, making calls is fine, the bouncing calypso problem has a workaround, echo is under control and SMS has never been a problem. i have a GTA02v6.

a summary of what i had to do can be found at http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html , if you're curious.


      Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net
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