
My phone was almost on no battery, so I plugged it to USB and kept
working (not on the phone...).

My laptop has WinXP. After some hours (I had forgotten that I had the
phone plugged in), I heard the device detaching sound from the laptop.
Since my phone was the only thing that could have detached, I checked
out my phone. It was off and was pretty hot..

Since then I don't get anything on the screen. If I press the power
button I can hear the device attach sound followd by the device
detaching sound after a couple of minutes.

My question:
(1) Do freerunners have some known overheating problem?
(2) if so, are the precautions written somewhere?
(3) If not, is there some kind of warranty that covers this?

BTW, I don't have access to a linux system right now. So, if something
low level is possible from linux system please tell me and I would try
to do it when I get to one.


PS: I don't have a debug board, I might get one to check the current
state but I want that to be my last resort.
I live in Noida, India. So, if someone in this region has a debug
board, I would like to use that.

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