---- Ian Darwin <i...@darwinsys.com> wrote: 
You accuse me of mincing words. Let's see if you'll stand by your words. 
If you really feel the device is that worthless, sell it to me for $10.00.
Final offer.

A> Learn to crop your replies...
B> My point wasn't to LOSE more money by selling to you for $10.  My point in 
selling now is to try to not get screwed a second time when OM drops support 
for it, like they did for the GTA01 last month.
C> If you think it's such a great "phone", why not buy it from me for full 
price?  Clearly if it's so great, you'll have no problem re-selling it.  Didn't 
think so...

I didn't buy this phone as a gadget to work on for months that MIGHT eventually 
make a nice GPS. For half the price I could have gotten a real open source kit 
and the parts to put together something like this, minus GSM.  Something with a 
REAL SDK, fully open and STABLE source, and support from the company that sold 
it to me. 

I bought this to use as a phone that I could get into, add to, and modify if I 
wanted to.  That's how FIC marketed it, as a consumer ready device, open 
source, with MAYBE a small power issue in that it wasn't supporting stand by 
mode.  OM wasn't it's own entity, or if it was that wasn't made clear.

Now FIC has shifted ALL responsibility off to OM.  OM says they're not focused 
on the GTA02, but are marketing to "future phones", like the GTA03.  They've 
also completely dropped support for the GTA01.  And core functionality on ALL 
Neos, like making and receiving calls and SMS, is still unreliable.

The FreeRunner wasn't marketed as a prototype device.  It was marketed as 
consumer ready, and it's not there, and doesn't appear to be getting there any 
time soon, if at all.  Saying OM never said the software was ready doesn't 
change how it was marketed, or the fact that OM was initially formed and funded 
by FIC to develop software for it's phone.

I'm just pissed off that I spent $400 on a device that was supposed to be my 
next phone, and 8 months later it's still sitting in a box because it's not 
usable as a normal daily phone.  And it doesn't help that people keep saying 
the FreeRunner was marketed as a development platform, when it clearly wasn't.

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