On Wednesday 04 February 2009, Seth Rothenberg wrote:
> Another follow-on question.
> It appears that the phone I am using now
> does not have the capacitor fix.
> I have 2 questions:
> 1. is the software patch available for
> various distros, eg, SHR?

It's been in the kernel for a long while now. It is as effective as the 
hardware fix, possibly more so. With a favourable satellite constellation I 
get ~40s TTFF from cold, even with SD activity. Any recent distro should have 

With FSO/SHR you might see problems related to loading almanac, ephemeris and 
time when powering up the GPS. The docs suggest that even with incorrect or 
outdated data the TTFF should be no worse than an unaided start, but in 
practise it seems that it can cause significant delays. Some versions of ogpsd 
have had significant problems in this respect. Make sure your time and 
timezone are set correctly as this can slow things down too.

> 2. Is the hardware fix documented
> for DIY?

I think so, but it is completely unnecessary with a recent kernel.

> The phone I have that was able to get a fix...
> it seems to have a microscopic solder joint
> between the 3rd and 4th pins from the bottom
> on the SD slot.   (there could be a cap in there :-)
> The phone I am trying to work with...
> does not have this solder work.
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