Spring a time for new beginnings and we have a plan. An Om2009 release
plan that is.

For the remainder of March we are going to be integrating. We're going
put FSO milestone 5.5, the stable kernel, paroli and the new xorg-glamo
drivers together and make our most stable distro ever. Any incomplete
features need to be finished and integrated before the end of March. The
builds in March will be called Alpha builds, and will receive only
partial testing.

The following features already have an owner and will be taken care of
before the end of March:
    phone calls incoming and outgoing
    sms incoming and outgoing
    simple phone book (no images)
    call log
    suspend and resume
    alarm clock
    resume speed < 2 seconds
    boot time < 2 minutes
    screen lock
    battery indicator (gta01 and gta02 battery)
    gsm indicator

Then there are still features looking for someone to help bring them in
before the end of March:
    Settings application
    gprs & edge 
    user changeable ring tones
    led indication for missed calls or sms
    sliding in UI

In April we start with Beta builds and full testing. From then on only
critical features and bug fixes will be backported into the branch. If
you're brave and test with us please use the bug filing procedure below.

During the Beta phase in April and May, the phone will become fully
functional.  Full testing will be weekly at this point to try and nail
the stability. Any remaining bugs  will need closing.  This is when we
need to nail all the showstopper bugs and we're going to need your ( the
communities help ). Your responsibility will be to find bugs and make
sure they get into trac.openmoko.org.

When filing a bug :

1) Don't request new features or enhancements during this period. They
will slow us down.

2) search 3 different ways to make sure it's not a duplicate. Duplicates
will slow us down. The couple of extra minutes you try to search will
save us a lot of time and may even find you a solution. During your
search if you find bugs that might depend on one another add it to the

3) attach your log files ( anything in /tmp or /var/log that ends in
log ). 

4) include as much of a description as you can.

5) include patches. They make fixing the bugs easier.

At the end of May we'll start generating release candidates (RC builds).
If we all pull together we should be able to get it out in the second
week of June. If it's not quite right yet we'll keep doing release
candidates until it is. I don't want to jinx it by saying the release is
going to be Om2009.x ,we'll leave off the x and aim for June. Who's in?

And about the enhancements and feature requests I'm serious they kill
schedules so if you want us to make it don't ask for anything that's not
in the UI spec ( to be released at http://www.paroli-project.org/,
shortly I hope ).

Angus Ainslie
Openmoko Distribution Maintainer

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