
This is likely not strictly (or loosely) a pfSense problem.

Can someone venture a guess as to why simple port forwarding is failing for me?

In short, It works to my Linux PC, an older AMD 800 MHz machine, but
port forwards to my Sun Sparc Ultra 2 fail regardless of port.

I am using  pfSense, 0.74.4,  behind an Actiontec GT704 set
up as a transparent bridge after having used a simpler DSL Paradyne
modem weeks ago successfully  with IPCop. I recall that all worked
nicely before.

Any suggestions on what to look at?
With previous posts in mind, I do have a mix of 3Com and a cheap new
Realtek card. Will using these cards make any difference for a small
home network?

The pfSense effort is an impressive extension to m0n0wall's
capabilities and is the first Open Source firewall I've used which
even starts to feel like Firewall-1 from experience years past; thank you.


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