
Great news!


On 8/23/05, alan walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a not of thanks to the pfsense team. 
> We deployed a test of a three way bridge the other day. 
>               Wan 
> |          | 
>          LAN      OPT1 
> All bridged to WAN. Made allow all rules and then a few rules to minimise
> access to web interface and ssh 
> All is roses  20 clients running on a test with two ATH radios. All looks
> great. Signal is excellent. 
> Packet loss is less that 0.5% across the subnet. All running 802.11B on two
> channels. 
> Clients can roam from channel to channel almost seamlessly with the clients
> we use. 
> Max range on a client is 5 km with about 2.5 Mbit of throughput total
> throughput on the wrap board 
> with multiple clients was close to it's limit of about 20 Mbit 's . 
> just a note for anyone out there hoping to use this configuration as I know
> it is common in wireless circles. 
> Look forward to some more tuning options for long range links and pfsense
> will have succeeded in all the goals 
> I hoped that it could achieve. 

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