Just reporting, this problem happen to me too.

At first I installed version 74 and upgrading to 80.x
After 6 days, i try to reboot it, and reported kernel not found.

Cause it is on production network, i do not have time to trace.
So i just re-installed the iso i had (v 74) and reconfuguring it
all manually.
I tried the configuration.xml I downloaded 1 day before,
it could not work.

After all work properly, I upgraded it to 83.2
and now the /boot/loader.rc is in size 784

i just tried:
# grep -v '^$' loader.rc > loader.rc.new
and have loader.rc.new is in size 346

So I think it is dangerous to reboot the gateway right now,
unless the problem is well known to be solved.

Xtian wrote:


yeah, this seems to be it.

Booted from LiveCD, mounted drive:

# pwd
# grep -v '^$' loader.rc > loader.rc.new
# ls -l loader.rc*
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  7504 Sep 10 17:41 loader.rc
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   346 Sep 15 22:17 loader.rc.new

Copying the "new" file over the old one and rebooting took care of the boot
up issue.



On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Oliver Stark wrote:


this is exactly the problem I expericed a few days ago. See my message

It could be that the /boot/loader.rc is corrupted. Please have a look at it
and, if appropriate, grep out the non-empty lines into a new loader.rc in
order to make it boot again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Xtian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 15, 2005 4:54 PM
Cc: support@pfsense.com
Subject: [pfSense Support] Upgrade to 80.4 causes problems finding

Howdy pfSensers,

I've been running 0.70.8 just fine on a normal PC with 3Com NICs for months
now. I did the 0.80.4
Upgrade and rebooted the box and I get:

(bootloader loads fine, fives me the option of "F1 FreeBSD" and then duly

Can't work out which disk we are booting from.
Guessed BIOS device 0xffffffff not found by probes, defaulting to disk0:

can't load 'kernel'

disk devices:
disk0: BIOS drive A:
disk1: BIOS drive C:

Hmm... booting from the Live CD (0.70.8) I am able to mount /dev/ad0s1a and
everything looks fine in the
filesystem. Kernel is there in /boot/kernel/kernel.gz and all that.

So I don't know what happened.

I am a Linux guy, so I don't enough to figure out what FreeBSD decided to
magically not find my drive
anymore. The Hardware must be okay, or else I wouldn't have been able to
mount it from the Live CD.

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


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