Might there be a creative way to do this... perhaps via a php/xml process.   As an "idea" for future consideration.   To interface/interact with PF Tables... I'm sure someone must have a PHP class that knows PF out there.   I can do some hunting.

Thank you.

Scott Ullrich wrote:
We have aliases which you can populate from the web interface but
there is no automated method.


On 10/28/05, Forrest Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have some long blacklists that I maintain.  Some of them are populated
with botnet /24's.

I presume PFSense has the ability to maintain custom tables/rules.   It
would be nice to visualize them as well (via the web), perhaps allowing
editing that way as an option.

 From the shell, I'd like to pipe the /24's I want to block (or /32's)
and add it to the table(s).   I believe there is a way with PF to do this.

Anyone work with a similar scenario?


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