
Thanks for the clarification. I will be doing a 1:1 Nat for the Mail Server for sure. That seems like the best route for the Mail Server. I guess you would call it Standard NAT (TCP). Not sure exactly what you are asking specifically. Let me see if this example helps. WAN IP: Port 80 forwards to -- Tested and works Great Virtual IP: Port 80 forwards to -- Can't connect to Port 80 at all.

Nothing shows in the Logs that it was denied or anything. Maybe I just don't understand NAT / Firewalls as well as I had thought! lol I have verified the Firewall Rules, and they are allowing such traffic (I checked the box at the bottom of the NAT sceen to auto add it to the firewall). Again, I am using Proxy ARP (not sure if I should use Other) for the Virtual IP.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much,

Chris Buechler wrote:

you can't ping virtual IP's, because they don't get bound to any NIC. Unless you do 1:1 NAT and permit ICMP to the private IP, in which case they are pingable.
what kind of NAT are you attempting on that virtual IP?

Nate Davis wrote:


pfSense has been a solid firewall for home use, and now I am implementing it as a firewall at work. I have run into a snag, and not really sure what the problem is. I am running 89.2

Here is my Setup:

WAN (AT&T-T1):

I can use NAT, and Port Forwarding. They work great and all is well when I only have one WAN IP. No Problems. So, my problems comes when I do Virtual IPs. I would like to add a second IP. I add a Virtual IP of (Proxy ARP), and set my NAT rules up using this Virtual IP. I am unable to connect at all to this Virtual IP. I have restarted the Box, and everything. I can Ping, but can't ping my 196 address. So, it seems that the Virtual IPs are not binding to that NIC card or somthing like that.

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