Just upgraded to 0.90 and traffic shaping seems to be broken.

Even after rerunning the wizard I get:

# pfctl -f /tmp/rules.debug
bandwidth for qWANRoot higher than interface
/tmp/rules.debug:17: errors in queue definition
parent qWANRoot not found for qWANdef
/tmp/rules.debug:18: errors in queue definition
bandwidth for qLANRoot higher than interface
/tmp/rules.debug:19: errors in queue definition
parent qLANRoot not found for qLANdef
/tmp/rules.debug:20: errors in queue definition
parent qLANRoot not found for qLANacks
/tmp/rules.debug:21: errors in queue definition
parent qWANRoot not found for qWANacks
/tmp/rules.debug:22: errors in queue definition
parent qWANRoot not found for qOthersUpH
/tmp/rules.debug:23: errors in queue definition
parent qLANRoot not found for qOthersDownH
/tmp/rules.debug:24: errors in queue definition
parent qWANRoot not found for qOthersUpL
/tmp/rules.debug:25: errors in queue definition
parent qLANRoot not found for qOthersDownL
/tmp/rules.debug:26: errors in queue definition
pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded

First I should note again -  this may on the boot  and firewall boots
without firewall at all initially. 

What I needed to do  to fix this is to go to interfaces and set speeds
for them back again - For some reason my selection for  these was lost

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