     cd /usr/src
     mkdir -p $D
     make world DESTDIR=$D
     make distribution DESTDIR=$D
     mount_devfs devfs $D/dev

is a more correct way to build your environment prpoerly

also look at /etc/defaults/rc.conf | grep jail for autostarting a proper
jail environment
_____MY rc.conf_______________
jail_enable="YES"        # Set to YES to disable starting of any jails
jail_list="pfsense"            # Space separated list of names of jails
jail_set_hostname_allow="YES" # Allow root user in a jail to change its
jail_socket_unixiproute_only="YES" # Route only TCP/IP within a jail
jail_sysvipc_allow="YES" # Allow SystemV IPC use from within a jail
jail_pfsense_exec_start="/bin/sh /etc/rc"
jail_pfsense_exec_stop="/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"
jail_pfsense_fdescfs_enable="YES"               # mount fdescfs in the
jail_pfsense_flags="-l -U root"                # flags for jail(8)
jail_pfsense_procfs_enable="YES"                # mount procfs in jail

On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 10:50 +0300, Michael Lednev wrote:
> Hello, Scott.
> On 12 ноября 2005 г., 10:03:24 you wrote:
> SU> Remove the rsync lines from the script.  One of the steps in the wiki
> SU> replaces htis.
> And what about this situation?
> >>> Phase 0
> >>> Phase 1
> Welcome to FreeSBIE (Free System Burned In Economy)
> Generating FreeSBIE filesystem... Please wait
> ./dist missing (created)
> ./scripts missing (created)
> ./uzip missing (created)
>  [DONE]
> >>> Phase 2
> Copying /etc files...
> script: openpty: No such file or directory
> After this it just stops and waiting. Maybe this because I'm building
> under screen or what?

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