On further review of this the issue seems to lie in the fact that the tunnel end of the ipsec is running

A via padlock chipset. If I replace the tunnel end with the same config.xml file and a wrap board the tunnel works perfectly.




From: alan walters
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 10:47 AM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: [pfSense Support] failover ipsec


Enable              yes

Interface            (selected public carp address that I want to use

Failover ip          (same address as above

Peerip               (used the carp sync real ip address of the other carp in my array

Shared key       (used a 16 byte aes key)


This end is a mobile client. The other end is the tunnel. When the tunnel establishes the moble client end shows the SAD correct.

But the tunnel end shows the error

 DEBUG: get pfkey ADD message

ERROR: pfkey UPDATE failed: Invaild argument.


And there is no SAD at the tunnel end.

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