
Recently I was playing around with pfSense and discovered following:

I configured two aliases, say, aliasA and aliasB with several hosts in
each - ipA1, ipA2, ipA3 and ipB1, ipB2, ipB3. Then I added rule to
block all IPs from aliasA going to any IPs other that in aliasB i.e.

block from 'aliasA' to ! 'aliasB'

Then I issued 'pfctl -sr' command to check what did happened in the
system and found that my rule was transformed in following way:

block from ipA1 to !ipB1
block from ipA1 to ipB2
block from ipA1 to ipB3

block from ipA2 to !ipB1
block from ipA2 to ipB2
block from ipA2 to ipB3

block from ipA3 to !ipB1
block from ipA3 to ipB2
block from ipA3 to ipB3

So my rules were transformed to something that I didn't wanted at all.
Did I make anything in wrong way? Any help us welcome.

Thanking you in ancipation,

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