On 4/7/06, David Strout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> Yes, I am trying to redirect all http(s) traffic
> (while not interrupting any other traffic) to the
> proxy server on the OPT2 network to either
> transparently proxy or possibly authenticate users
> for http(s) access.  I would like it to be
> transparent so the users will get content
> screening and not have to actually login, but that
> is optional at this point, and out-of-scope for
> this question.

Port forward is likely what you want, give it a try.  However...HTTPS
is _not_ going to work (kind of defeats the purpose of using
public/private key technology to keep data secure if you can
man-in-the-middle it w/out the user knowing :))


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