I have three offices connected via combinations of pfsense and m0n0wall. These all do their IPsec tunnels flawlessly and I've never had any errors or problems with those. I can copy files all day long without fail.

However things go south when I hook up my powerbook running OS X 10.4 into the IPsec using mobile user. Basically, connected to the pfsense remote endpoint everything works. I can copy large files via ssh no problem. Normal ftp/http file transfer to all three works fine too. The thing that breaks is ssh data transfer from one of the m0n0 remotes (both via scp and rsync over ssh). The remote end just closes the connection after some timeout and locally I get a "protocol failure" from rsync. Even doing an "ls -lR" on a big directory can lock up the ssh terminal session.

Does anyone know of issues that are different with pfSense than m0n0 regarding the IPsec handling of ssh? Is it just luck or is something explicitly fixed in pfSense. I'd like to know before I trek out to the remote facility to upgrade the server from m0n0 to pfSense.

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